===== O-Week Schedule ===== This is the Schedule for International Students who want to participate in our Orientation Week. You can find the German version [[studium:o-woche:programm-wise-2023|here]]. ^ ^ When ^ What ^ Where ^ | |||| ^ Monday, **09.10.2023** | 16:00 | Welcome by the Department | | | | | For Informatik/ Wirtschaftsinformatik/ 2-Fach-Bachelor | A14(([[http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/lageplan/?wo=A14+-+H_orsaalzentrum|Campus-Lageplan A14]])) Lecture Hall (Hörsaal) 1 | | | | For Engineering of Socio-Technical Systems and Digitalized Energy Systems | A14 Lecture Hall 2 | | | afterwards | Champagne reception of the student council | A14 Lecture Hall 3 | | |||| ^ Tuesday, **10.10.2023** | 10:00 | Breakfast ((**Please bring dishes!**)) | A14 Foyer (right side) | | | 11:00 | **Presentation Student Council & AStA** | A14 Foyer | | | 11:15 | **Presentation my studies in Oldenburg** | A14 Foyer | | | 12:00 | **Presentation study structure** | | | | | B.Sc. Informatik | A7 Lecture Hall G | | | | B.Sc. WiInf | A11 Lecture Hall B | | | | 2-Fach-Bachelor | A14 1-114 | | | | M.Sc (Wi-) Inf | A04 5-516 | | | | M.Sc EngStS | V03 0-E002 | | | | M.Sc DES | V03 0-E004 | | | 13:00 | Lunch | | | | 14:00 | **How to build your lessons plan** | A11 Hörsaal G | | | 15:15 | **Study orientation** | ... | | | afterwards | Flunkyball-Tournament | | | | afterwards | Gettogether at the Pub | | | |||| ^ Wednesday, **11.10.2023** | 10:00 | Breakfast ((**Please bring dishes!**)) | A14 Foyer (right side) | | | 11:30 | Campus Tour | In front of A14 | | | 12:45 | Lunch | Mensa | | | 13:30 | Departure to the OFFIS | In front of A14 | | | **14:00** | [[http://www.offis.de/|OFFIS]]-tour | OFFIS(([[https://www.google.de/maps/dir/53.1476661,8.1820125/Escherweg+2,+26121+Oldenburg/@53.1491048,8.1865499,16z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m9!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x47b6dfada9747eef:0x546cafa30e62e93c!2m2!1d8.2000299!2d53.1488125!3e2|Escherweg 2]])) | | | 17:30 | Pub night in The Pub (([[https://maps.app.goo.gl/i1Z8Qoh5ES663n1A7|Wallstraße 19]])) | | | | Afterwards | Mensa party | Mensa/Foyer | | |||| ^ Thursday, **12.10.2023** | 10:00 | Unix Course (2h) **in German** ((Registration required. You can register using a Bulletin Board in front of A4 2-206/7/8)) | | | | | | | | 14:00 | Lecture "AStA and Semesterticket" | | | | | 15:00 Uhr | Lecture "Psychological Counselling Services" | | | | 16:15 Uhr | Game night | A01 0-010 | | | Afterwards | Get together | | | |||| ^ Friday, **13.10.2023** | 10:00 | Unix Course (2h) **in German** ((Registration required. You can register using a Bulletin Board in front of A4 2-206/7/8)) | A04 2-205 (ARBI Blue) | | | 16.15 | Departure to [[https://www.kreativitaet-trifft-technik.de/index.dark.html|Hackspace]] tbd | vor A14 | | | 16:45 | [[https://www.kreativitaet-trifft-technik.de/index.dark.html|Hackspace]]-Tour | Mainframe(([[https://www.google.de/maps/dir/53.1476661,8.1820125/Bahnhofsplatz+10,+26122+Oldenburg/@53.1447871,8.1920305,14.75z/data=!4m9!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x47b6df046e8a9b6d:0xc837f7fb26600264!2m2!1d8.21988!2d53.14402!3e2|Bahnhofsplatz 10]])) | | | 17:45 | [[https://pad.mainframe.io/p/private_erstilan|LAN-Party (with registration)]] ((Registration welcome: [[http://erstilan.ktt-ol.de/|LAN-Party-Pad]])) | Mainframe(([[https://www.google.de/maps/dir/53.1476661,8.1820125/Bahnhofsplatz+10,+26122+Oldenburg/@53.1447871,8.1920305,14.75z/data=!4m9!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x47b6df046e8a9b6d:0xc837f7fb26600264!2m2!1d8.21988!2d53.14402!3e2|Bahnhofsplatz 10]])) |